Hi Ashu,

It’s possible to enable rack-awareness in a rolling manner. Kafka will never 
automatically move existing partitions, unless you tell it to or have a 
separate tool (e.g. Cruise Control) that does it for you. Rack-awareness comes 
into play when topics are initially created and partitions are distributed 
around the cluster.

After you’ve set the broker.rack property for each broker and have restarted 
them, you will need to do a manual rebalance to add a third replica and 
properly distribute your replicas between the availability zones.


> On Sep 19, 2019, at 12:17 AM, Ashutosh singh <getas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> We have 8 nodes Brokers setup on AWS in 2 availability zones with 2
> replication. Our plan is to add one more node and distribute 3 nodes in
> each AZ and change replication factor to 3.
> In order to replicate data in each AZ we need to enable Rack awareness. Can
> someone guide how can I achieve this ? I can bring down only one broker and
> if I change settings in one broker i.e. (put broker.rack=rackid) and
> restart the Kafka then what would be impact ? how it will handle with the
> requests because other brokers have not these settings yet.
> Also, we have 1000+ topics in our cluster , do we need to manually reassign
> partitions for all topics ?
> I have searched everywhere but couldn't find any place where it says if can
> do it while kafka cluster is in operation.
> I really appreciate if someone can help on this.
> -- 
> Regard
> Ashu

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