
9092 is as well SSL protocol? Zookeeper is connecting over SSL?

So then I would review all certificates to check if valid.

As well there is a Kafka broker property 'advertised.host.name' you could set 
with same hostname in the certificate.


Jose Manuel Vega Monroy
Java Developer / Software Developer Engineer in Test
Direct: +0035 0 2008038 (Ext. 8038)
Email: jose.mon...@williamhill.com
William Hill | 6/1 Waterport Place | Gibraltar | GX11 1AA

On 28/10/2019, 14:03, "Péter Nagykátai" <st4r.f1...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Sorry, if I was unclear before. I'm absolutely new to Kafka and how it

    >That happening when clients trying to SSL connect?
    There are no clients at the moment just one Kafka broker which spews the
    errors in the server.log. To be specific, there is a ZooKeeper client which
    has no issues:
    >> INFO [ZooKeeperClient] Connected. (kafka.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient)

    >Are you talking about local network loopback?
    No, at least I don't think so. I'm simply trying to have the broker in a
    stable running state but after it starts, it tries to connect to the listed
    internal broker, which is itself since at the moment there aren't other
    brokers in the cluster.

    >Also, have you tried ssl debug using openssl? What did you observe?
    Per Jose's advice I checked the certificates I generated last week and
    everything checked out on the 'rootCA' node.

    >How have you setup your signed certificates?
    I have a secured node where I generate certificates for every server in the
    cluster (with an intermediate CA). Here are the commands I used:

    `openssl genrsa -out kafka-1.key.pem 2048`
    `openssl req -config openssl_intermediate.cnf -key kafka-1.key.pem -new
    -sha256 -out kafka-1.csr.pem`
    `openssl ca -config openssl_intermediate.cnf -extensions server_cert -days
    375 -notext -md sha256 -in kafka-1.csr.pem -out kafka-1.cert.pem`
    `openssl pkcs12 -export -in kafka-1.cert.pem -inkey kafka-1.key.pem -out
    kafka-1.p12 -name kafka-1`
    `keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore kafka-1.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12
    -alias kafka-1 -destkeystore kafka-1.jks`

    Also, for the root+intermediate chain:
    `keytool -importcert -alias ca-root -keystore truststore.jks -file

    >Does your CN/SAN matches with your advertised.listeners setup?

    >Have you setup hostname verification correctly?
    My Kafka configuration file only have the settings I pasted before, the
    rest aren't network specific.

    My (beginner) opinion is that Kafka tries to authenticate itself as a
    client and gets confused when getting 'server_hello' message. ("Unexpected
    handshake message: server_hello")


    On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 12:25 PM M. Manna <manme...@gmail.com> wrote:

    > Hi,
    > not sure what it means "Tries to communicate with itself". Are you talking
    > about local network loopback?
    > Also, have you tried ssl debug using openssl? What did you observe?
    > The exception is handshake exception. This is quite common when your cert
    > validation fails. How have you setup your signed certificates? Does your
    > CN/SAN matches with your advertised.listeners setup? Have you setup
    > hostname verification correctly?
    > Thanks,
    > On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 at 11:11, Péter Nagykátai <st4r.f1...@gmail.com>
    > wrote:
    > > @Jose
    > >
    > > >It looks like communication problem between brokers.
    > > As I mentioned, "I can't get the first broker started". The message 
    > > is from when the broker tries to communicate with "itself": [Controller
    > > id=1001, targetBrokerId=1001]).
    > >
    > > Nevertheless, I went through the checklist and everything is in order.
    > For
    > > the first couple of tries, I got different SSL errors but I could work
    > > those out (that time I messed up the certificates), but now the problem
    > is:
    > > >> Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: *Unexpected handshake
    > > **message:
    > > server_hello*
    > >
    > > Peter
    > >
    > > On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 8:09 AM Jose Manuel Vega Monroy <
    > > jose.mon...@williamhill.com> wrote:
    > >
    > > > @Peter
    > > >
    > > > It looks like communication problem between brokers. But ensure:
    > > >
    > > > 1) Crtificates are valid and properly signed by root CA or 
    > > > one in the chain
    > > > 2) Clients and brokers having private key and certificate in their
    > > > keystore and properly configured to point to its path
    > > > 3) Clients and brokers having CA certificates in the truststore and
    > > > properly configured to point to its path
    > > > 4) Clients and brokersbroker having root CA certificate in their
    > keystore
    > > > and properly configured to.point to its path
    > > > 5) Permissions are right ones fro trustore and keystore
    > > >
    > > > Thanks
    > > >
    > > > Get Outlook for Android 
    > > >
    > > > ------------------------------
    > > > *From:* Péter Nagykátai <st4r.f1...@gmail.com>
    > > > *Sent:* Monday, 28 October 2019, 00:13
    > > > *To:* users@kafka.apache.org
    > > > *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] SSL setup failing
    > > >
    > > > Hi!
    > > >
    > > > I'm experimenting with setting up a log ingesting cluster and Kafka
    > would
    > > > be part of it. Unfortunately, I can't get the first broker started. I
    > > need
    > > > to secure the communication between a dozen nodes and Kaquiafka would
    > > only
    > > > be
    > > > one part of it. I have a secured node where I generate certificates 
    > > > every server in the cluster (with an intermediate CA). AFAIK, I need 
    > > use
    > > > '.jks' files for Kafka, so I've generated a '.p12' file from the
    > openssl
    > > > certificate and key then used `keytool` to generate a keystore:
    > > > `keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore kafka-1.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12
    > > > -alias kafka-1 -destkeystore kafka-1.jks`
    > > > I generated a truststore for the root and intermediate chain as well:
    > > > `keytool -importcert -alias ca-root -keystore truststore.jks -file
    > > > ca-chain.cert.pem
    > > >
    > > > Relevant part of the 'server.properties' configuration:
    > > > ####
    > > > listeners=EXTERNAL://kafka-1:9092,INTERNAL://kafka-1:9093
    > > > advertised.listeners=EXTERNAL://kafka-1:9092,INTERNAL://kafka-1:9093
    > > > inter.broker.listener.name=INTERNAL
    > > > listener.security.protocol.map=EXTERNAL:SSL,INTERNAL:SSL
    > > > security.protocol=SSL
    > > > ssl.client.auth=required
    > > > ssl.truststore.location=/*******/truststore.jks
    > > > ssl.truststore.password=*************
    > > > ssl.keystore.location=/*******/kafka-1.jks
    > > > ssl.keystore.password=*************
    > > > ####
    > > >
    > > > After starting Kafka (as a service) I get the the following in the
    > > > 'server.log':
    > > > >>...
    > > > >> INFO [KafkaServer id=1001] started (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
    > > > >> INFO [SocketServer brokerId=1001] Failed authentication with
    > > > /XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (SSL handshake failed)
    > > > (org.apache.kafka.common.network.Selector)
    > > > >> INFO [Controller id=1001, targetBrokerId=1001] Failed 
    > > > with kafka-1/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (SSL handshake failed)
    > > > (org.apache.kafka.common.network.Selector)
    > > > >> ERROR [Controller id=1001, targetBrokerId=1001] Connection to node
    > > 1001
    > > > (kafka-1/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9093) failed authentication due to: SSL
    > > handshake
    > > > failed (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
    > > > >>...
    > > > >> WARN SSL handshake failed (kafka.utils.CoreUtils$)
    > > > >> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SslAuthenticationException: SSL
    > > handshake
    > > > failed
    > > > >> Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: Unexpected handshake
    > > > message: server_hello
    > > > >>...
    > > >
    > > > I couldn't find any lead with that error message and got stuck. Any
    > ideas
    > > > what that error message means and how to solve it?
    > > >
    > > > Specs:
    > > > - Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
    > > > - OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
    > > 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3)
    > > > - Kafka 2.2.1 (from kafka_2.12-2.2.1.tgz)
    > > > - OpenSSL 1.1.1
    > > >
    > > > Thank you!
    > > > Peter
    > > >
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