
Even though I have been using Kafka for a while, it's primarily for
publish/subscribe event messaging ( and I understand them reasonably well).
But I would like to do more regarding streams.

For my initiative, I have been going through the code written in "examples"
folder. I would like to apologise for such newbie questions in advance.

With reference to WordCountDemo.java - I wanted to understand something
related to Stream Processor integration with business applications (i.e.
clients). Is it a good practice to always keep the stream processor
topology separate from actual client application who uses the processed

My understanding (from what I can see at first glace) multiple
streams.start() needs careful observation for scaling up/out in long term.
To separate problems, I would expected this to be deployed separately (may
be microservices?) But again, I am simply entering this world of streams,
so I could really use some insight into how some of us has tackled this
over the years.

Kindest Regards,

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