The javadoc of this method states:
If the return value of ValueTransformer#transform()
is null, no records are emitted.

However when I check the underlying processor for the same:
It seems to simply forward to downstream with value:
       public void process(final K key, final V value) {
            context.forward(key, valueTransformer.transform(key, value));

On the other hand if I look at the processor for


It has proper code to check for null.
        public void process(final KIn key, final VIn value) {
            final Iterable<KeyValue<KOut, VOut>> pairs =
transformer.transform(key, value);
            if (pairs != null) {
                for (final KeyValue<KOut, VOut> pair : pairs) {
                    context().forward(pair.key, pair.value);

So I was just wondering if say we want to have say dedup operation, do
we call stream#transform or stream#transformValue would also work if
we return null from the transformer.


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