Bubbling this up to understand if anyone else are in similar use case.

-----Original Message-----
From: Koushik Chitta <kchi...@microsoft.com.INVALID> 
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2020 1:35 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org; d...@kafka.apache.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Issue in retention with compact,delete cleanup policy


I have a Topic with following config.

cleanup.policy  =  compact,delete
segment.bytes = 52428800 (~52 mb)
min.compaction.lag.ms = 1800000 (30 min) delete.retention.ms = 86400000 (1 day) 
retention.ms = 259200000 (3 days)

Ideally I would want the old records > 3 days to be deleted without producing 
an explicit delete(null value of a key) of the record.
But there can be a case due to continuous compaction, the segments can contain 
a very old record(eg: > 30 days) and new recent record (eg: 1hr) which will 
make the segment ineligible for retention delete.

Currently I don't see a work around for this. Please suggest.
I plan to start a KIP to address this use case.


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