Hi, I am using Ambari to manage Kafka, info as listed below:

Ambari version:
Kafka version: 2.0.0

The problem I ran into is that one broker restarts without shutdown log,
which makes it difficult to track down the reason. The related logs are
as follows,  in which I cannot find "shut down" message and it seems that
there is a log pause around 1.5 minutes before a sudden restart.

[2020-04-14 08:01:44,214] INFO [TransactionCoordinator id=1008] Initialized
transactionalId Source: Custom Source -> Sink:
test-d06beb747c9d00565739f0dfcdd14614-12 with producerId 217004 and
producer epoch 31222 on partition __transaction_state-41
*[2020-04-14 08:01:45,276]* INFO [TransactionCoordinator id=1008]
Initialized transactionalId Source: Custom Source -> Filter -> Map ->
Filter -> Sink: Unnamed-9ab9edcfebd7d79af65d59b6e0b37d6f-23 with producerId
217030 and producer epoch 19220 on partition __transaction_state-1
*[2020-04-14 08:03:23,026]* INFO Registered
kafka:type=kafka.Log4jController MBean
*[2020-04-14 08:03:23,678] INFO starting (kafka.server.KafkaServer)*
[2020-04-14 08:03:23,679] INFO Connecting to zookeeper on
[2020-04-14 08:03:23,774] INFO [ZooKeeperClient] Initializing a new session
[2020-04-14 08:03:23,819] INFO [ZooKeeperClient] Waiting until connected.
[2020-04-14 08:03:23,874] ERROR [ZooKeeperClient] Auth failed.
[2020-04-14 08:03:23,941] INFO [ZooKeeperClient] Connected.
[2020-04-14 08:03:24,382] INFO Cluster ID = J7raFmuqQ8mh_7DwZArH0A
[2020-04-14 08:03:24,629] INFO KafkaConfig values:

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks.

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