Yes, that's a clean shutdown log, with few exceptions that are expected 
(connected clients get disconnected during shutdown). Add fsync after kafka 
shutdown should force OS to flush buffers to disk. I somehow suspect there is 
some problems during unmounting/mounting disks.However I don't know about that 
process much. We need startup logs, cause exceptions there are unexpected.
General notes:Such things are difficult to trace, thus setting staging 
environment (test copy of production system) is a must. Then you can experiment 
freely.There is an option in kafka to force flush on every message (but it can 
have serious performance impact). I'd test that on staging, this is not the 
option you want to use in production, however might help diagnose the issue. 
 may also want to check for filesystem erros (fsck)
You should not copy live filesystems (with cp command for example) while 
applications operate, you need at least crash consistent copy.

    On Friday, May 1, 2020, 01:54:49 AM GMT+2, Liam Clarke-Hutchinson 
<> wrote:  
 So the logs show a healthy shutdown, so we can eliminate that as an issue.
I would look next at the volume management during a rollout based on the
other error messages you had earlier about permission denied etc. It's
possible there's some journalled but not flushed changes in those time
indexes, but at this point we're getting into filesystem internals which
aren't my forte. But if you can temporarily disable the volume switching
and do a test roll out, see if you get the same problems or not, would help
eliminate it or confirm it.

Sorry I can't help further on that.

On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 5:34 AM JP MB <> wrote:

> I took a bit because I needed logs of the server shutting down when this
> occurs. Here they are, I can see some errors:
> Regarding systemd, the closest I could find to TimeoutStopSec was
> DefaultTimeoutStopUSec=1min 30s that looks to be 90seconds. I could not
> find any KillSignal or RestartKillSignal. You can see the output of
> systemctl show --all here:
> Once again, thanks for the help.
> Em qui., 30 de abr. de 2020 às 15:04, Liam Clarke-Hutchinson <
>> escreveu:
> > I'd also suggest eyeballing your systemd conf to verify that someone
> hasn't
> > set a very low TimeoutStopSec, or that KillSignal/RestartKillSignal
> haven't
> > been configured to SIGKILL (confusingly named, imo, as the default for
> > KillSignal is SIGTERM).
> >
> > Also, the Kafka broker logs at shutdown look very different if it shut
> down
> > currently vs if it didn't. Could you perhaps put them in a Gist and email
> > the link?
> >
> > Just trying to make sure basic assumptions are holding :)
> >
> > On Fri, 1 May 2020, 1:21 am JP MB, <> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > It's quite a complex script generated with ansible where we use a/b
> > > deployment and honestly, I don't have full knowledge on it I can share
> > the
> > > general guidelines of what is done:
> > >
> > > > - Any old volumes (from previous releases are removed) (named with
> > suffix
> > > > '-old')
> > > > - Detach the volumes attached to the old host
> > > > - Stop the service in the old host - uses systemctl stop kafka
> > > > - Attempt to create a CNAME volume: this is a volume with the same
> name
> > > > that will be attached to the new box. Except for very first run, this
> > > task
> > > > is used to get the information about the existing volume. (no sufix)
> > > > - A new volume is created as copy of the CNAME volume (named with
> > suffix
> > > > '-new')
> > > > - The new volume is attached to the host/vm (named with suffix
> '-new')
> > > > - The new volume is formated (except for very first run, its already
> > > > formated)(named with suffix '-new')
> > > > - The new volume is mounted (named with suffix '-new')
> > > > - Start the service in the new host - uses systemctl start kafka
> > > > - If everthing went well stopping/starting services:
> > > >    - The volume no the old host is renamed with prefix '-old'.
> > > >    - The new volume is renamed stripping the suffix '-new'.
> > >
> > >
> > > I made a new experiment today with some interesting findings. Had 518
> > > messages in a given topic, after a deployment lost 9 due to this
> problem
> > in
> > > partitions 13,15,16 and 17. All the errors I could find in the time
> > > index files before the deployment (left is partition number):
> > >
> > > 11 -> timestamp mismatch on 685803 - offsets from 685801 to 685805, no
> > > > message loss here
> > > > 12 -> -1 error no indexes on the log - base segment was the last
> offset
> > > so
> > > > ok
> > > > 13 -> timestamp mismatch error on 823168 - offsets from 323168 to
> > 823172,
> > > > four messages lost
> > > > 14 -> timestamp mismatch on 619257 - offsets from 619253 to 619258,
> no
> > > > message loss here
> > > > 15 -> timestamp mismatch on 658783 - offsets from 658783 to 658784,
> one
> > > > message missing
> > > > 16 -> timestamp mismatch on 623508 - offsets from 623508 to 623509,
> one
> > > > message missing
> > > > 17 -> timestamp mismatch on 515479 - offsets from 515479 to 515481,
> two
> > > > messages missing
> > >
> > >
> > > After the deployment, I took a look and the state was this:
> > >
> > > > 11 -> timestamp mismatch error on 685803 -  same state
> > > > 12 -> -1 error no indexes on the log - same state
> > > > 13 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied
> > > > 14 -> timestamp mismatch error on 619257 - same state
> > > > 15 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied
> > > > 16 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied
> > > > 17 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied
> > >
> > >
> > > Some conclusions at this point:
> > >
> > >    - We only lost messages where the initial offset had a corrupted
> > >    .timeindex file, this is, the base offset for the segment.
> > >    - Immediately after the deployment, we were unable to open all the
> > >    partitions where we lost messages: Permission denied.
> > >
> > > This was yesterday at the end of the day, today I checked the number of
> > > messages and it was reduced from 509 to 493. Also, the state of the
> > > .timeindex files was changed:
> > >
> > > 11 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied -
> > > > changed state
> > > > 12 -> -1 error no indexes on the log
> > > > 13 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied
> > > > 14 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> > denied -
> > > > changed state
> > > > 15 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied
> > > > 16 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied
> > > > 17 -> Exception in thread "main" Permission
> denied
> > >
> > >
> > > So partition 11 and 14 timeindex files were the ones with the timestamp
> > > mismatch error that didn't lose messages immediately after the
> > deployment.
> > > After the deployment being done and after the cluster being already
> > running
> > > both changed to permission denied and* all the messages inside those
> > > partitions(11 & 14) were gone. *So this didn't happened only
> immediately
> > > after the rolling deployment but actually also while the cluster was
> > > running.
> > >
> > > I have manually restarted a broker with systemctl stop (took 2/3
> > seconds) &
> > > systemctl start all those "permission denied" errors were transformed
> > into
> > > "-1 error no indexes on the log" looking like the files were reset. The
> > > other brokers still have permission denied.
> > >
> > > Does this sound anything to you? I don't really have an idea of what
> > could
> > > be corrupting those index files.
> > >
> > > Next things I will check:
> > >
> > >    - When exactly those messages were deleted in partitions 11 and 14.
> > >    - What happens if I have timeindex files with a "timestamp mismatch
> > >    error" and manually start and stop a broker.
> > >
> > > Once again, thanks for the efforts on awnsering.
> > >
> > > Em qui., 30 de abr. de 2020 às 09:39, Goran Sliskovic
> > > <> escreveu:
> > >
> > > >  Hi,
> > > > It does look as index corruption... Can you post script that stops
> > kafka?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >    On Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 06:38:18 PM GMT+2, JP MB <
> > > >> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >  >
> > > > > Can you try using the console consumer to display messages/keys and
> > > > > timestamps ?
> > > > > --property print.key=true --property print.timestamp=true
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > There are a lot off messages so I'm picking an example without and
> with
> > > > timeindex entry. All of them have a null key:
> > > >
> > > > Offset 57 CreateTime:1588074808027 Key:null  - no time index
> > > > Offset 144 CreateTime:1588157145655 Key:null - has time index
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hmm, how are you doing your rolling deploys?
> > > >
> > > > It's rollout deployment, we take one node down and spin up another a
> > new
> > > > one. One at a time.
> > > >
> > > > I'm wondering if the time indexes are being corrupted by unclean
> > > > > shutdowns. I've been reading code and the only path I could find
> that
> > > led
> > > > > to a largest
> > > > > timestamp of 0 was, as you've discovered, where there was no time
> > > index.
> > > > >  WRT to the corruption - the broker being SIGKILLed (systemctl by
> > > default
> > > > > sends SIGKILL 90 seconds after SIGTERM, and our broker needed 120s
> to
> > > > shut
> > > > > down cleanly) has caused index corruption for us in the past -
> > although
> > > > in
> > > > > our case it was recovered from automatically by the broker. Just
> > took 2
> > > > > hours.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > This would be a perfect justification for it but we use systemctl
> stop
> > > and
> > > > it takes around 4 seconds to shut down so I believe it ends
> gracefully
> > > > before SIGKILL?
> > > >
> > > > Also, are you moving between versions with these deploys?
> > > >
> > > > No, we have several clusters where this is happening. The
> information I
> > > > showed you is from a cluster with version 2.3 but with 10.2 for inter
> > > > broker protocol communication and log format. We have also
> experienced
> > > this
> > > > in fully updated 2.4  and 2.4.1 clusters. But to sum, the experiences
> > are
> > > > done always deploying (again) the version already there.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks all for the efforts so far.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ...
> > >
> >

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