I wanted to check if anyone has faced this issue Thanks Rajib
From: Rajib Deb Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 9:51 AM To: users@kafka.apache.org Subject: Kafka - FindCoordinator error Hi I have written a Python consumer using confluent-kafka package. After few hours of running the consumer is dying with the below error cimpl.KafkaException: KafkaError{code=_TIMED_OUT,val=-185,str="FindCoordinator response error: Local: Timed out"} Can anyone please help me understand why this is happening ** Below is a portion of the code ** producer_conf = { 'bootstrap.servers': 'xxxxxxx', 'security.protocol': 'SASL_SSL', 'sasl.mechanisms': 'PLAIN', 'sasl.username': 'xxxxx', 'sasl.password': 'xxxx', 'ssl.ca.location':'xxxx', 'ssl.certificate.location': 'xxxx', 'queue.buffering.max.messages': 100000, 'queue.buffering.max.ms' : 1000, 'batch.num.messages': 500 } p = Producer(**producer_conf) target_topic='xxxxxx' c = Consumer(kwargs) source_topic='xxxx' c.subscribe([source_topic]) while True: msg = c.poll(100) #I am consuming from a topic if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): logging.error("error occurred during polling topic") logging.error(msg.error()) raise KafkaException(msg.error()) continue #logging.info("input msg form topic: ") #logging.info(msg.value()) #msgDict = json.loads(msg.value()) # taking msg into dictionary try: p.produce(target_topic, msg.value(), callback=delivery_callback) #the message from the consumed topic is pushed to the target topic c.commit() #disabled auto commit, manually committing only when message pushed to the target topic except BufferError: sys.stderr.write('%% Local producer queue is full (%d messages awaiting delivery): try again\n' % len(p)) except Exception as e: print(e) p.poll(0) #sys.stderr.write('%% Waiting for %d deliveries\n' % len(p)) p.flush() Thanks Rajib