Thanks Liam!

On Tue, May 12, 2020, 15:12 Liam Clarke-Hutchinson <> wrote:

> Hi Pushkar,
> GlobalKTables and KTables can have whatever data structure you like, if you
> provide the appropriate deserializers - for example, an Kafka Streams app I
> maintain stores model data (exported to a topic per entity from Postgres
> via Kafka Connect's JDBC Source) as a GlobalKTable of Jackson ObjectNode's
> keyed by entity id
> If you're worried about efficiency, just treat KTables/GlobalKTables as a
> HashMap<K, V> to and you're pretty much there. In terms of efficiency,
> we're joining model  data to about 7 - 10 TB of transactional data a day,
> and on average, run about 5 - 10 instances of our enrichment app with about
> 2GB max heap.
> Kind regards,
> Liam "Not a part of the Confluent team, but happy to help"
> Clarke-Hutchinson
> On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 9:35 PM Pushkar Deole <>
> wrote:
> > Hello confluent team,
> >
> > Could you provide some information on what data structures are used
> > internally by GlobalKTable and KTables. The application that I am working
> > on has a requirement to read cached data from GlobalKTable on every
> > incoming event, so the reads from GlobalKTable need to be efficient.
> >

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