I am not 100% sure what Burrow does, but I would assume that it compares
committed offsets to end offsets (similar to
`bin/kafka-consumer-group.sh`). This is a "global" view over all
consumer in the group. Compare to the consumer metric, the might report
a higher lag as it relies on consumer commits.

The consumer lag metric reports a single client view (obviously a
consumer does not know anything about the lag of other consumers in the
group) and it's based on the current fetch offsets the consumer
maintains internally. Thus, the lag might be smaller if the offsets are
not committed yet.


On 5/11/20 5:23 PM, Eleanore Jin wrote:
> Hi community,
> I just wonder what is the difference between the consumer lag reported by
> Kafka client and the consumer lag reported by burrow?
> Thanks a lot!
> Eleanore

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