Updating the Kafka broker version:

Kafka Version: 2.4.1

On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 3:21 PM SenthilKumar K <senthilec...@gmail.com>

> Hi Team,  We have deployed 150 node Kafka cluster on production for our
> use case. Recently I have seen issue(s) in Kafka Producer Client.
> Use Case:
> <Incoming-Topic> --> (Consume)Stream App (Multiple Topologies) (Transform)
> --> Kafka Producer Topology ( Produce it to Multiple Topics)
> Initially, the data is written to a common buffer topic. The stream
> topologies will consume from buffer topic and transform from one form to
> JSON. Finally transformed output goes to Kafka Producer Topology. The
> nature of the Kafka Producer Topology is to get input from Transform
> Topology and Write it to stream specific topics.
> No of Transformation Topologies: 200
> No Of Kafka Producer Topologies: 100
> Each Kafka Producer Topology will be producing on multiple topics( approx:
> 2000). Initially, it used to produce to 1000 topics, and now the number of
> topics has increased hence the problem observed.
> What is the recommended approach to produce data on multiple topics from
> multiple clients?
> Looking forward to your inputs to optimize the Kafka producer topology.
> Thanks in advance!
> Client Version:
> <kafka-client.version>2.3.0</kafka-client.version>
> Kafka Producer Configuration:
> retries=3
> linger.ms=5
> buffer.memory=67108864
> batch.size=32768
> compression.type=snappy
> --Senthil

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