Hey steve,

I guess the first question I have is, is the consumer group actually
or does KafkaStreams just appear to be "stuck" in the REBALANCING state? If
this application has been run before and there is a large amount of data in
changelog topics, it might take a while to rebuild the local state stores
from the
changelog. During this time it would appear to be in REBALANCING, but it's
just restoring.

Just one possibility of many. How long did you let it run without seeing it
It's difficult to diagnose from just the small snippet of logs above, so I
try and take a look at the full picture over more than just a minute. There
be something slightly more helpful logged if it really is stuck in a cycle
of endless
rebalances (eg timing out on the session interval)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 11:52 AM Steve Jones <jones.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just an addition to this in case someone can help, I'm seeing zero thread
> activity in the rebalancing but I'm also not seeing anything being logged
> by Kafka to indicate its doing anything on rebalancing (Logging level set
> to ALL), producer and consumer code works fine but streams just appears to
> hang.
> On Mon, 31 Aug 2020 at 12:49, Steve Jones <jones.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> When running an application on the Mac it works fine, when running
>> exactly the same app and config on the Raspberry Pi it constantly says it
>> is "Rebalancing" the streams
>> 2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO
>> org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser$AppInfo <init> Kafka version:
>> 2.6.0
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO
>> org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser$AppInfo <init> Kafka commitId:
>> 62abe01bee039651
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO
>> org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser$AppInfo <init> Kafka
>> startTimeMs: 1598903231499
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 WARNING org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig
>> checkIfUnexpectedUserSpecifiedConsumerConfig Unexpected user-specified
>> consumer config: enable.auto.commit found. User setting (true) will be
>> ignored and the Streams default setting (false) will be used
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO org.apache.kafka.streams.KafkaStreams setState
>> stream-client [pi-test-84721b40-dfa1-4848-b3de-5c7561048403] State
>> transition from CREATED to REBALANCING
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO
>> com.businesssoa.home.events.filter.dispatcher.kafka.SensorPipe start Pipe
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO
>> org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread run stream-thread
>> [pi-test-84721b40-dfa1-4848-b3de-5c7561048403-StreamThread-1] Starting
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO
>> org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread setState
>> stream-thread [pi-test-84721b40-dfa1-4848-b3de-5c7561048403-StreamThread-1]
>> State transition from CREATED to STARTING
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO
>> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer subscribe [Consumer
>> clientId=pi-test-84721b40-dfa1-4848-b3de-5c7561048403-StreamThread-1-consumer,
>> groupId=pi-test] Subscribed to topic(s): filtered-topic, reading-topic
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO com.businesssoa.home.events.filter.App
>> waitTillStarted Status is REBALANCING , 1
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:12 INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata update
>> [Producer
>> clientId=pi-test-84721b40-dfa1-4848-b3de-5c7561048403-StreamThread-1-producer]
>> Cluster ID: 1AOC2O8zSqq7nuQKACXFxQ
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:12 INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata update
>> [Consumer
>> clientId=pi-test-84721b40-dfa1-4848-b3de-5c7561048403-StreamThread-1-consumer,
>> groupId=pi-test] Cluster ID: 1AOC2O8zSqq7nuQKACXFxQ
>> ''2020-08-31 12:47:41 INFO com.businesssoa.home.events.filter.App
>> waitTillStarted Status is REBALANCING , 2
>> ''2020-08-31 12:48:11 INFO com.businesssoa.home.events.filter.App
>> waitTillStarted Status is REBALANCING , 3
>> Any guidance on how I can debug the streams as to why its constantly
>> rebalancing?
>> Steve

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