Hi Folks,

I'm running mirror maker as a dedicated cluster as given in the
mirrormaker 2 doc. but for some reason when I add new topics and
deploy the mirror maker it's not detecting the new topics at all, even
the config dumps in the mirror maker startup logs don't show the newly
added topics.

I've attached the config that I'm using, initially I assumed that
there might be some refresh configuration option either in connect or
mirror maker, but the connect rest api doesn't seem to be working in
this mode and also couldn't find any refresh configuration option.

Any ideas on this? Thank you in advance

clusters = src-cluster, dst-cluster

# disable topic prefixes
src-cluster.replication.policy.separator =
dst-cluster.replication.policy.separator =
replication.policy.separator =
source.cluster.alias =
target.cluster.alias =

# enable idemptotence
source.cluster.producer.enable.idempotence = true
target.cluster.producer.enable.idempotence = true

# connection information for each cluster
# This is a comma separated host:port pairs for each cluster
# for e.g. "A_host1:9092, A_host2:9092, A_host3:9092"
src-cluster.bootstrap.servers =
dst-cluster.bootstrap.servers =

# regex which defines which topics gets replicated. For eg "foo-.*"
src-cluster->dst-cluster.topics = topic1,topic2

# client-id
src-cluster.client.id = prod-mm2-onlinev1-to-onlinev2-consumer-v0
dst-cluster.client.id = prod-mm2-onlinev1-to-onlinev2-producer-v0

# group.instance.id=_mirror_make_instance_1
# consumer should periodically emit heartbeats
src-cluster->dst-cluster.consumer.auto.offset.reset = earliest
src-cluster->dst-cluster.consumer.overrides.auto.offset.reset = earliest

# connector should periodically emit heartbeats
src-cluster->dst-cluster.emit.heartbeats.enabled = true

# frequency of heartbeats, default is 5 seconds
src-cluster->dst-cluster.emit.heartbeats.interval.seconds = 10

# connector should periodically emit consumer offset information
src-cluster->dst-cluster.emit.checkpoints.enabled = true

# frequency of checkpoints, default is 5 seconds
src-cluster->dst-cluster.emit.checkpoints.interval.seconds = 10

# whether to monitor source cluster ACLs for changes
src-cluster->dst-cluster.sync.topic.acls.enabled = false

# whether or not to monitor source cluster for configuration changes
src-cluster->dst-cluster.sync.topic.configs.enabled = true
# add retention.ms to the default list given in the DefaultConfigPropertyFilter
src-cluster->dst-cluster.config.properties.blacklist =
follower\\.replication\\.throttled\\.replicas, \

leader\\.replication\\.throttled\\.replicas, \

message\\.timestamp\\.difference\\.max\\.ms, \
                                                   message\\.timestamp\\.type, \

unclean\\.leader\\.election\\.enable, \
                                                   min\\.insync\\.replicas, \

# connector should periodically check for new topics
src-cluster->dst-cluster.refresh.topics.enabled = true

# frequency to check source cluster for new topics, default is 5 seconds
src-cluster->dst-cluster.refresh.topics.interval.seconds = 300

# enable and configure individual replication flows
src-cluster->dst-cluster.enabled = true
dst-cluster->src-cluster.enabled = false

# Setting replication factor of newly created remote topics
# replication.factor=2

############################# Internal Topic Settings
# The replication factor for mm2 internal topics "heartbeats",
"B.checkpoints.internal" and
# "mm2-offset-syncs.B.internal"
# For anything other than development testing, a value greater than 1
is recommended to ensure availability such as 3.
# 14 days

# The replication factor for connect internal topics
"mm2-configs.B.internal", "mm2-offsets.B.internal" and
# "mm2-status.B.internal"
# For anything other than development testing, a value greater than 1
is recommended to ensure availability such as 3.

# customize as needed
# replication.policy.separator = _
# sync.topic.acls.enabled = false
# emit.heartbeats.interval.seconds = 5


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