Pushkar, in kafka development for customer consumer/producer you handle it.
However you can ensure the process stops (or sends message to dead letter)
before manually committing the consumer offset. On the produce side you can
turn on idempotence or transactions. But unless you are using Streams, you
chain those together yoursef. Would kafka streams work for the operation
you’re looking to do?


On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 08:30 Pushkar Deole <pdeole2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am using a normal kafka consumer-producer in my microservice, with a
> simple model of consume from source topic -> process the record -> produce
> on destination topic.
> I am mainly looking for exactly-once guarantee  wherein the offset commit
> to consumed topic and produce on destination topic would both happen
> atomically or none of them would happen.
> In case of failures of service instance, if consumer has consumed,
> processed record and produced on destination topic but offset not yet
> committed back to source topic then produce should also not happen on
> destination topic.
> Is this behavior i.e. exactly-once, across consumers and producers,
> possible with transactional support in kafka?
> --

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Chris Larsen
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