Hi Michał,
I think you want to check the term in Kafka: In Sync Replicas (a.k.a ISR).
You might want to check the "Replication" section in doc here

The configuration is this one: *replica.lag.time.max.ms

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 8:30 PM Michał Łowicki <mlowi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> When Java client is reading from replica then how is handled the case when
> such replica starts to lag? (struggles to replicate data from the leader).
> Does consumer, coordinator or group leader have any logic to detect such
> cases and try to switch over to other replica in those cases? (pointers to
> code, configuration options would be awesome). Thanks in advance.
> --
> BR,
> Michał Łowicki

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