did you try setting these values in the distributor.properties file?

On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 12:43 AM Jamie <jamied...@aol.co.uk.invalid> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Has anyone been able to override the producer and consumer values of the
> MM2 MirrorSourceConnector as described below?
> Many Thanks,
> Jamie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jamie <jamied...@aol.co.uk>
> To: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org>
> Sent: Thu, 16 Sep 2021 15:52
> Subject: MM2 - Overriding MirrorSourceConnector Consumer & Producer values
> Hi All,
> I've trying to override the properties of the consumer and producer in MM2
> to tune them for high throughput. For example, I'm trying to set the
> consumers fetch.min.bytes to 100000.
> I'm running MM2 in a dedicated mirror maker cluster (
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-382%3A+MirrorMaker+2.0#KIP382:MirrorMaker2.0-RunningadedicatedMirrorMakercluster)
> and using version 2.7.1 of Kafka.
> I have the equivalent of the following in my mirror maker properties file:
>     clusters = A, B
>     A.bootstrap.servers = A_host1:9092, A_host2:9092, A_host3:9092
>  B.bootstrap.servers = B_host1:9092, B_host2:9092, B_host3:9092
>     # enable and configure individual replication flows    A->B.enabled =
> true
>     # regex which defines which topics gets replicated. For eg "foo-.*"
>  A->B.topics = .test-topic
> I'm trying to override the properties of the consumer which fetches
> records from cluster "A" and the producer that sends records to cluster
> "B".
> I've tried the following in the config file:
>     A.consumer.fetch.min.bytes = 100000
>     A->B.consumer.fetch.min.bytes = 100000
>     A.fetch.min.bytes = 100000
>     B.consumer.fetch.min.bytes = 100000
>     B.fetch.min.bytes = 100000
> None of which seem to work, when I start MM2 and go into the logs and look
> at the value using the the MirrorSourceConnector tasks consumer and
> producer config I still see the default value for fetch.min.bytes (1) being
> used.
> Am I trying to override the values of the consumer incorrectly or do I
> need to set these in a different place?
> Many Thanks,
> Jamie

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