Normally I know that each consumer group has a current offset for each
partition it consumes, and when we delete a group, its current offsets are
deleted with it, and when we (re)create the consumer group again, it will
have no current offsets (meaning it will go from offset 0 or offset latest
depending on configuration).

However, in a particular case, I deleted the consumer group, and yet,  a
program creates a consumer group which has the current offset of the
deleted group, which I cannot find anymore so it is indeed deleted, and no
other group seems to have that particular currentOffset.

I restarted the pods/containers and made all queries multiple times via
kafka-consumer-groups cli and indeed, there is no group with that current
offset, but still the program sees it.

I made multiple checks that I am on the same cluster/env in all places.

Do you have any hint as to why this may happen?

Thank you,

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