Thank you Luke,

Here is the logs from client side (rebalance event listener)

2021-12-08 16:30:47,301 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Partition removed from
2021-12-08 16:30:47,302 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Topic:
**InternalLoggingMetadataInfo, partition: 1
2021-12-08 16:30:50,066 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Partition assigned to
2021-12-08 16:30:50,066 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Topic:
**InternalLoggingMetadataInfo, partition: 2
2021-12-08 16:30:50,066 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Topic:
**InternalLoggingMetadataInfo, partition: 0
2021-12-08 16:31:20,047 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Partition removed from
2021-12-08 16:31:20,047 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Topic:
**InternalLoggingMetadataInfo, partition: 2
2021-12-08 16:31:20,047 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Topic:
**InternalLoggingMetadataInfo, partition: 0
2021-12-08 16:31:20,070 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Partition assigned to
2021-12-08 16:31:20,070 INFO com.***.KafkaListener Topic:
**InternalLoggingMetadataInfo, partition: 0

There is no relevant rebalance event logged on the consumer in trouble

I am not sure how to attach the image in this thread as I am using gmail.
It basically shows the members in a consumer group, with one of the
consumers (app008) missing even though the consumer is still alive and
consuming events.

Here is the duplicated Event Processing log

app008 [ consumer not in consumer group however still consuming events ]
2021-12-09 04:39:39 Received message from topic
**InternalLoggingMetadataInfo, partition: 0, offset: 375, RequestId:

app009 [ Consumer taking over partition 0 from app08, since rebalance event
above ]
2021-12-09 04:39:39 Received message from topic
***InternalLoggingMetadataInfo, partition: 0, offset: 375, RequestId:

I don't have access to the broker side, so I am sorry, I don't have logs
from the broker.


On 2021/12/11 09:01:05 Luke Chen wrote:
> Hi Tao,
> I think we need the logs (client and broker side) to know clearly what
> happened there.
> Besides, I can't see the image you attached under "Consumer Group State
> (Please note that app008 is kicked out)" section.
> One thing to note is that, we've fixed some bugs related to rebalance and
> partition assignments in newer releases, maybe you can try to upgrade to
> newer version to see if it happens again (if possible :) )
> Thank you.
> Luke
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 11:13 PM Tao Huang <> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > We have experienced issues on Topic Partition assignment and lead to
> > duplicate process of event. What happened is that, somehow one listener
> > (consumer) was taken out by the Broker (lost heartbeat??), and the
> > partition was taken over by another consumer in the same consumer group.
> > However, the listener (consumer) kicked out is not really dead, it
> > continues pulling and consuming the event and has no idea about the
> > partition revocation.
> >
> > *# Consumer Group State (Please note that app008 is kicked out)*
> >
> > [image: image.png]
> >
> > *# When we identified the issue and restarted the listener on app008, it
> > shows partition 0 is removed (means, it still binds to partition 0)*
> >
> > 2021-12-09 22:05:23 INFO Shutting down listener on
> > 2021-12-09 22:05:23 INFO Partition removed from listener: partition: 0
> > 2021-12-09 22:05:23 INFO ****LoggingMetadataInfo listener destroyed
> >
> > *Version: *2.6.1
> >
> > Wondering if anyone has experienced a similar case? Any suggestions on
> > to mitigate such risk?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Tao
> >

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