
I'm assuming you're using consumer groups? E.g., group.id=X



On Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 6:30 pm Jigar Shah, <jigar.shah1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to test the latency between message production and message
> consumption using Java Kafka-Client*(2.7.2)* library.
> The configuration of cluster is 3 KafkaBrokers*(2.7.2, Scala 2.13)*, 3
> Zookeeper*(3.5.9)*
> Here is a pattern what I have observed
> Reference:
>  ConsumerReadTimeStamp: Timestamp when record received in Kafka Consumer
>  ProducerTimeStamp: Timestamp added before producer.send record
>  RecordTimeStamp: CreateTimeStamp inside the record obtained at consumer
> [image: kafka1.png]
> *For 100 Messages*
> *ConsumerReadTimeStamp-ProducerTimeStamp(ms)*
> *ConsumerReadTimeStamp-RecordTimeStamp(ms)*
> *Average*
> *252.56*
> *238.85*
> *Max*
> *2723*
> *2016*
> *Min*
> *125*
> *125*
> On the consumer side it takes too much time for initial few messages but
> later on it is quite consistent.
> I have executed the above same test for large number of messages :
> 100,1000,10000,etc. and the pattern seems to be same
> Here are the configurations, mostly using default properties.
> Topic:
>   partitions=16
>   min.insync.replica=2
>   replication.factor=3
> Consumer:
>   security.protocol=PLAINTEXT
>   enable.auto.commit=true
> Producer:
>   security.protocol=PLAINTEXT
>   compression.type=gzip
>   acks=all
> Is there any reason why there is huge latency at the beginning when a
> consumer is created please?
> Also please suggest some way to optimise configurations to have some
> better consistent results ?
> Thank you in advance for your feedback.

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