Dear all,

Consider a kafka topic deployment with 3 partitions P1, P2, P3 with 
events/records lagging in the partitions equal to 100, 50, 75 for P1, P2, P3 
respectively. And let’s suppose that num.poll.records (the maximum number of 
records that can be fetched from the broker ) is equal to 100.

If the consumer sends a request to fetch records from P1, P2, P3,  is there any 
guarantee that the returned records will be fairly/uniformly selected out of 
the available partitions e.g., say 34 records from P1, 33 from P2 and 33 from 

Otherwise, how the decision on the returned records is handled (e.g., is it 
based on the first partition  leader that replies to the fetch request e.g., 
say P1..). In such case how eventual fairness is guaranteed across different 
partitions,  in case for example when records happen to be fetched/read from a 
single partition.

Thank you.

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