`enable.auto.commit` is a Consumer config and does not apply to Kafka Stream.

In Kafka Streams, you basically always have auto commit enabled, and you can control how frequently commits happen via `commit.interval.ms`.

Also on `close()` Kafka Streams would commit offsets.


On 5/31/22 12:29 PM, Luca wrote:
Hi Andy,

The defaults are sensible enough that, under normal operational conditions, 
your app should pick up from where it left. To dig a little more into this, I 
suggest you look into `auto.offset.reset` and `enable.auto.commit` options.

In case, you do need to reprocess everything, kafka streams comes with a handy 
reset tool. You can read about it here: 


On Tue, May 31, 2022, at 5:17 PM, andrew davidson wrote:
Thanks Luca

This is exactly what I was looking for.

On a related note let's say I stop and restart my application. What would I 
have to do so that the I do not re process events?

I am still working through the kstreams 101 tutorial. I have not gotten to the 
DSL tutorials yet


On 5/30/22, 11:16 PM, "Luca" <c...@lucapette.me> wrote:

     Hi Andy,

     If I understand your problem correctly, you want a "foreach" terminal 
operation. You can check out the API here: 


     On Tue, May 31, 2022, at 6:37 AM, Andy wrote:
     > All the Kstream examples I have found demonstrate how to use map, filter,
     > and join on streams. The last step they typically user to() to
     > publish/produce the results to a new stream
     > How can I get the data out of the stream? For example I need to send the
     > data to a legacy data that can not use kafka. Or maybe I want to plot the
     > data,…
     > I looked at the java doc and did not find anything
     > Any idea what I should “google” to to find a code example?
     > Kind regards
     > Andy



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