Hi Chris,

Can you share the partition count and replication factor of your partitions? 
Also, do all four brokers contain topic-partition directories in 
/data/1/kafka/data or just a single broker? Depending on your topic config, it 
may be entirely normal that his has happened.

Peter Bukowinski 

> On Sep 15, 2022, at 3:35 AM, Chris Peart <ch...@peart.me.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a 4 node kafka cluster running version 2.8.1, we have started pushing 
> data to the cluster but can only see one disk being used.
> We had 6 disk configured as non-raid and 1 partition per disk, we have the 
> following in fstab:
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-data    /data/1    xfs    nodev,noatime,nofail  1  2
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup02-data    /data/2   xfs    nodev,noatime,nofail  1  2
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup03-data    /data/3    xfs    nodev,noatime,nofail  1  2
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup04-data    /data/4    xfs    nodev,noatime,nofail  1  2
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup05-data    /data/5    xfs    nodev,noatime,nofail  1  2
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup06-data    /data/6    xfs    nodev,noatime,nofail  1  2
> We configured server.properties to be: 
> log.dirs=/data/1/kafka/data,/data/2/kafka/data,/data/3/kafka/data,/data/4/kafka/data,/data/5/kafka/data,/data/6/kafka/data
> i can see all our topics in /data/1/kafka/data but don't see anything in 
> /data/2-5
> Any help would be appreciated as this is going to production next week?
> Many Thanks,
> Chris

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