I want my consumers to process large batches, so I aim to have the consumer
listener "awake", say, on 1800mb of data or every 5min, whichever comes

Mine is a kafka-springboot application, the topic has 28 partitions, and
this is the configuration I explicitly change:

| Parameter                 | Value I set | Default Value | Why I set it
this way   |
| ------------------------- | ----------- | ------------- |
----------------------- |
| fetch.max.bytes           | 1801mb      | 50mb          |
fetch.min.bytes+1mb     |
| fetch.min.bytes           | 1800mb      | 1b            | desired batch
size      |
| fetch.max.wait.ms         | 5min        | 500ms         | desired cadence
| max.partition.fetch.bytes | 1801mb      | 1mb           | unbalanced
partitions   |
| request.timeout.ms        | 5min+1sec   | 30sec         |
fetch.max.wait.ms + 1sec|
| max.poll.records          | 10000       | 500           | 1500 found too
low      |
| max.poll.interval.ms      | 5min+1sec   | 5min          |
fetch.max.wait.ms + 1sec|

Nevertheless, I produce ~2gb of data to the topic, and I see the
consumer-listener (a Batch Listener) is called many times per second -- way
more than desired rate.

I logged the serialized-size of the `ConsumerRecords<?,?>` argument, and
found that it is never more than 55mb.
This hints that I was not able to set fetch.max.bytes above the default

Any idea how I can troubleshoot this?

I found this question:

Is it really impossible as stated?

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