
I am using Kafka 3.2 (in windows) and for a topic i to send tombstone records. 
Everything was ok but i always see last value for the key (even i see null 
records present after delete.retention.ms period)

Key1  value1
Key2  value2
Key1 - null record - tombstone record
and so on

I am expecting to see only Key2 in the above the case but is see
Key2 value2
Key1 - null

It is not in active segments as i keep sending lot of other key value pairs and 
kept my segment.bytes to 1000 only

following is the configuration

Topic: NandaFinalTest   PartitionCount: 1       ReplicationFactor: 1    

Attached my data log folder for my topic for reference.

Also, i see in all documentations/forums/discussions that the tombstone record 
should get deleted after delete.retention.ms time but I always end up seeing 
the last record with null

Am i missing something in the config and please help me in this regard. I need 
tombstone records to get deleted as well after delete.retention.ms time

Let me know if you need any more details to help here. Thanks


<<attachment: NandaFinalTest-0.zip>>

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