Hi guys,
According to the document we can get the request queue size (the one
network threads enqueue, IO threads dequeue and will block network thread
if full) via "kafka.network:type=RequestChannel,name=RequestQueueSize".

However, when I use jconsole to view this metric it always = 0. I have
configured *"num.io.threads=1"* to decrease the dequeue operation as much
as possible and generated ~ 85k records/s from producers (payloads are just
few bytes < 100 bytes for each record) but this metric still remains the

Is there anything wrong with this metric and its exporter or kafka io
threads are just basically too fast that I can not catch up the change in
its size. If this metric is broken, are there any alternatives should I
consider to get Kafka current request queue size ?

I have tested in Kafka 3.3 and 3.4 (the latest one).
I am looking forward to receiving any replies ASAP. Thanks all.

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