Hi Everyone,
We are using MM2 to replicate the messages from one Kafka cluster to
another one. The source cluster has been set as PDT/PST timezone and the
destination is in GMT timezone.

We are seeing that there is delay in topic data deletion/ compaction
happening even though we have set the retention time as 30 mins, and wanted
to confirm if MM2 does change the timezone or the timestamp property as per
the cluster timezone while replicating the data.
Also is there any property that can be set to do so in MM2 ? We did not
observe the same thing happening without Producers and Consumer

And also does topic data deletion get impacted by the timestamp of the
message that was produced or that was replicated.
Can someone please help me in getting clarification on how topic data
compaction is impacted by the timestamp of the messages that are getting
produced ?

Thanks & Regards,
Hemanth Savasere

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