Hi Greg,
Thank you very much, 
it is the most detailed answer I would expect.

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Harris <greg.har...@aiven.io.INVALID> 
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 8:42 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: Mirror Maker 2 - offset sync from source to target

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Hi Alexander,

Thanks for using MirrorMaker2!

If you turn on `sync.group.offsets.enabled`, then the MirrorCheckpointTask will 
sync the offsets if all of the following is
1. The source group exists
2. The source group name matches the configured group filter 
(group.filter.class, groups, groups.exclude) 3. The source group has an offset 
for a topic which matches the configured topic filter (topic.filter.class, 
topics, topics.exclude) 4. The target group does not exist, or has no active 
consumers 5. The target group has no offset for a specified partition, or the 
offset is earlier than the translated offset 6. MirrorCheckpointTask restarted 
after replication happened but before the offset could be translated.

If one of these isn't true, you won't see translation happening.

Are you having a problem with too many consumer groups being created?
You can restrict the group or topic filters, as they're very permissive by 
Or is the problem that you expect the consumer groups to be created, but they 
aren't? One of the above conditions may not be satisfied, or your 
MirrorCheckpointConnector/Task may be malfunctioning and you'll need to inspect 
the logs to debug it.

Greg Harris

On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 5:36 AM Alexander Shapiro (ashapiro) 
<alexander.shap...@amdocs.com.invalid> wrote:
> Hi
> Can someone advise please
> if sync.group.offsets.enabled : true to sync offset from source to 
> target for particular consumer group That group must be created on target, 
> even if no actual consumption will be done ?
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