On 11/11/23 2:30, Jesus Cea wrote:
I am trying to use "ssl.keystore.certificate.chain" and "ssl.keystore.key" in my brokers' configuration in order to be able to use dynamic recompilation for short TLS certificates expiration. No luck so far.

I have found my mistake. I was providing the private key as PKCS#1 and it must be PKCS#8. The smoking gun is this:

ssl.keystore.key=-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- \
***** \

Instead of "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY", it should be "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" (no "RSA" there). There are resources online explaining how to convert private keys from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8.

Good so far.

Then I tried to update the broker certificate using "kafka-configs". It worked fine. Cool.

Checking the content of "__cluster_metadata-0" topic, describing the quorum state (this is a kraft cluster) I see the new certificate in plaintext on it. So it is available unprotected to all controllers and brokers in the cluster. That is not nice.

I have set "password.encoder.secret=[LONG_AND_RANDOM]" in the broker, but it seems not to be used at all. What am I missing?

An obvious possibility is to encrypt the private key with a long random key only known by the appropriate broker, but I am using OpenJDK and the implemented algorithms are old and insecure, like DES and SHA1.

Some details about this:


What am I missing about the usage of "password.encoder.secret" to encrypt the dynamic configuration of a broker in the quorum metadata?.


Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
j...@jcea.es - https://www.jcea.es/    _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
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