OK so repeating with Java Kafka producer there is no problem – it’s specific to 
the Kafka CLI Producer! Paul

From: Brebner, Paul <paul.breb...@netapp.com.INVALID>
Date: Friday, 5 July 2024 at 1:21 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Kafka 20k topics metadata update taking long time
EXTERNAL EMAIL - USE CAUTION when clicking links or attachments

Repeating my tests today with a bit more caution I can get up to around 47,000 
partitions for a single topic before the producer fails with a bootstrap broker 
disconnected warning (in practice the producer cannot send), here’s a graph of 
the producer time (to send 1k messages) using producer CLI with increasing 
partitions – it blows up near the end.  No error logs on Kafka brokers or 
controllers, and everything else still works – i.e. can still increase 
partitions on the big partition topic, can still produce/consume on another 
topic with 3 partitions. RF=3 and 3x4 core brokers and 3 dedicated Kraft 

Curious if there is a time out setting somewhere for the client meta-data 
request? Paul


From: Brebner, Paul <paul.breb...@netapp.com.INVALID>
Date: Thursday, 4 July 2024 at 3:44 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Kafka 20k topics metadata update taking long time
EXTERNAL EMAIL - USE CAUTION when clicking links or attachments

Hi – interesting, I had maybe similar problems today when “testing” the limits 
of a Kafka cluster for max partitions – I could create a topic with lots of 
partitions (ok so more than sensible, taking into account RF=3 over 1M 
partitions) – but trying to send a message failed with a meta-data timeout.

I forgot to test message send/receive with lower partitions, unfortunately.

But, other  topics on the same cluster with normal numbers of partitions still 
worked ok with the large partition topic, Paul

From: Sabarish Sasidharan <sabarish....@gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, 4 July 2024 at 3:28 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Kafka 20k topics metadata update taking long time
[You don't often get email from sabarish....@gmail.com. Learn why this is 
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EXTERNAL EMAIL - USE CAUTION when clicking links or attachments

This is interesting. But 20K topics is also not a realistic assumption to
have. I don't see an alarming difference in the latency results from the
two scenarios. Also even when cached, the metadata needs to be refreshed

On Thu, Jul 4, 2024 at 4:37 AM Amit Chopra <amit.cho...@broadcom.com.invalid>

> Hey,
> I wanted to raise a performance issue that I encountered while testing on a
> large scale with Kafka. The issue pertains to low throughput with 20k
> topics (each topic with 1 partition) compared to good throughput when using
> 1 topic with 20k partitions.
> Scenario: I have a setup of kafka with 20k partitions with replication
> factor of 3 and min.insync.replica of 2. We have 25 broker nodes and topics
> are evenly distributed across the brokers. Each broker has 8 cores, 32 GB
> memory and persistent HDD. I am testing with 1 producer node, writing a
> record of size 3KB randomly to one of the 20k topics.
> I have modified the kafka perf producer code to write randomly to different
> topic for each record. And have added additional print statements (as
> mentioned below).
> I did some analysis of kafka producer code and found the reason for bad
> performance.
> TLDR: poor performance is due to metadata fetch required for each topic. In
> case of 1 topic 20k partitions, it is only required once and is cached. In
> case of 20k topics, metadata is fetched for each topic. And thus takes a
> ramp up of about ~5 mins to start getting better throughput.
> Details:
> 1. I added timers in kafka producer code to identify where time was being
> spent.
> 2. Essentially, the producer calls producer.send()
> <
> https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/tools/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/tools/ProducerPerformance.java#L119<https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/tools/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/tools/ProducerPerformance.java#L119><https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/tools/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/tools/ProducerPerformance.java#L119>
> >.
> Which in turn makes calls to fetch the metadata from cache. If not present,
> it calls the broker for metadata and waits for response inside awaitUpdate
> <
> https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/clients/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/KafkaProducer.java#L1176<https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/clients/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/KafkaProducer.java#L1176><https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/clients/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/KafkaProducer.java#L1176>
> >
> 3. this awaitUpdate is causing the poor performance
> Test Runs - printing every one second, average, max and number of times
> method is called
> 1. 1 Topic 20k partitions
> I have no
> name!@kafka-producer-bitnami-74847c7dff-h5dbq:/opt/bitnami/kafka/bin$
> ./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --topic amit-1 --num-records 100000000
> --record-size 3000 --throughput 0 --producer-props acks=all
> bootstrap.servers=test-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 batch.size=3000
> buffer.memory=100000000 linger.ms=50 | grep producer.send
> producer.send(): Avg - 0 ms, Max - 478 ms, num_records = 3838
> producer.send(): Avg - 0 ms, Max - 44 ms, num_records = 3273
> producer.send(): Avg - 0 ms, Max - 43 ms, num_records = 2574
> producer.send(): Avg - 0 ms, Max - 45 ms, num_records = 2922
> producer.send(): Avg - 0 ms, Max - 36 ms, num_records = 3086
> producer.send(): Avg - 0 ms, Max - 37 ms, num_records = 3014
> 2. 20k topics
> I have no
> name!@kafka-producer-bitnami-74847c7dff-h5dbq:/opt/bitnami/kafka/bin$
> ./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --topic test-1 --num-records 100000000
> --record-size 3000 --throughput 0 --producer-props acks=all
> bootstrap.servers=test-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 batch.size=3000
> buffer.memory=100000000 linger.ms=50 | grep producer.send
> producer.send(): Avg - 5 ms, Max - 236 ms, num_records = 188
> producer.send(): Avg - 1 ms, Max - 20 ms, num_records = 498
> producer.send(): Avg - 2 ms, Max - 23 ms, num_records = 438
> producer.send(): Avg - 2 ms, Max - 16 ms, num_records = 425
> producer.send(): Avg - 2 ms, Max - 17 ms, num_records = 343
> producer.send(): Avg - 2 ms, Max - 15 ms, num_records = 334
> producer.send(): Avg - 3 ms, Max - 15 ms, num_records = 295
> producer.send(): Avg - 3 ms, Max - 20 ms, num_records = 268
> Where:
> Avg - average time taken in 1 second
> Max - max time taken in the call within 1 sec
> num_records - number of times the send was called
> FYI - the average time keeps increasing to around 12 ms in case of 20k
> topics. In case of 1 topic, it is 0 due to cache return
> I wanted to check if there could be a capability to fetch metadata for all
> topics (or matching a pattern) at the very beginning. Just like it is done
> for 1 topic with 20k partitions.
> Thanks,
> Amit
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