Hi there!
Please can anyone answer me?
Which part of SMS is involved with IS-41 or GSM MAP?
Is it possible to developt a sms application whithout have any contact with is-41 or gsm, I mean, without have any contact with the cellular network signalling?
How can my application put  a short message in a celular network? Specifically what do I need to put my sms application inside a cellular network? What protocols is needed for that?
And last, what if I wanted to develop a sms application how Kannel could help me? 
I'm doing these questions because I'm interested in develop applications related with sms and I'm a little bit lost about what I should do about the cellular network signalling .
If anyone can help me, I'm appreciated in advance
[]s Iorrana
Dígitro Tecnologia Ltda.
Florianópolis - SC - Brasil

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