I've succesfully installed Kannel 1.1.5 to FreeBSD4.1using a nokiaphone 6210, my problem is that when i send a message to the nokiaphone(smsc) sometimes it replies oftentimes its not replying.
Anyone also experienced this, can u point me on where to find out the reason on why its behaving this way.
Heres the error im getting from the access log file
2001-09-19 20:58:39 FAILED Send SMS [SMSC:nokia] [from:+639198790532] [to:+639178368079] [msg:<<UDH>>]                                                          2001-09-19 20:59:02 FAILED Send SMS [SMSC:nokia] [from:+639198790532] [to:+639178368079] [msg:<<UDH>>]                                                          2001-09-19 20:59:25 FAILED Send SMS [SMSC:nokia] [from:+639198790532] [to:+639178368079] [msg:<<UDH>>] 
         2001-09-19 21:11:09 FAILED Send SMS
2001-09-19 21:13:51 FAILED Send SMS [SMSC:nokia] [from:+639198790532] [to:+63917
8368079] [msg:Could not fetch content, sorry.]
even on SendSMS im getting the same error.
2001-09-19 21:30:46 send-SMS request added - sender:tester:+639198790532 192.168
.88.132 target: 639177579141 request: 'This is just a test'
2001-09-19 21:30:47 FAILED Send SMS [SMSC:nokia] [from:+639198790532] [to:639177
579141] [msg:This is just a test]

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