Hello listers,

I have finally managed to set-up kannel to run with a Siemens TC-35
GSM Modem.

My question:
Is it possible to request the status of an outgoing SMS through kannel?
In other words, each time an SMS is sent, kannel shall receive an
SMS for every status change of the outgoing SMS: "sent", "queued",
"delivered", "expired".

Avec mes meilleures salutations

Gilbert Cavedon
Siemens Suisse SA, Softwarehaus, Cross Domain Management, ES42
Gilbert Cavedon, 
Avenue des Baumettes 7, CH-1020 Renens
Téléphone +41 (0)585 568 423, Fax  +41 (0)585 568 480 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], Internet: http://www.siemens.com/

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