> > My problem:
> >
> > I see "server not responding" message on the phone after about 40-60
> > seconds, no home page.
> > I tested the gateway using  UP 4.1 browser and I am able to see the
> > homepage on the gateway (from a different  computer
> > running UP browser).
> Hi,
> I've go the same problems in my test-setup. I used the Nokia Toolkit to test
> the gateway (Kannel) and the Webserver (Apache) configuration. With the
> Nokia Toolkit erverything worked.
> When I configured a RAS and want to access my wap-pages with a "real" phone
> (Siemens ME 45) the homepage is fetched by the gateway. This is in contrast
> to your description, but when I click a link on this page the gateway does not
> respond any more. In my wapbox.log are the same TimerTO_R elapsed messages.
> > 2001-10-29 16:08:03 [5] DEBUG: WTP 21: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
> > 2001-10-29 16:08:05 [1] DEBUG: TimerTO_R elapsed.
> > 2001-10-29 16:08:05 [5] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 21, state
> >...
> I played with timer-freq variable in the kannel.conf but it does not seem to
> have  any effect.
> If you solve the problem it would be nice, if you post it in the mailinglist
> (of course I'll do the same).

This probably means that the phone does not get the message at all. What
is your
configuration ?


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