> > box-allow-ip = ",,"
> > unified-prefix = "0044,+44"
> This is wrong. The separator should be semicolon.

In the case of box-allow-ip yes, but the unified-prefix line is fine, it
contains one prefix rule and says "replace +44 with 0044" (if there was a
second rule, the semicolon is used then e.g.

> The first problem I'm having is that sendsms isn't actually sending the
> messages, despite the being no errors in the logs. In fact the logs state
> categorically that the messages have been sent successfully.

I don't remember the access log functionality being in 1.0.3, but you
haven't got the bearerbox access log configured, that's the one to look at
really. How can you tell that the message was sent - are you judging by the
response from the terminal in the bearerbox log?

The 6210 has proven unreliable (for me at least) in the past, you might be
better off using 1.1.5 with the at2 driver.

Like Aarno said, it would be useful to look at the bearerbox log.


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