Hi Peoples, 

I am sure someone is doing this already .. 

I have totally worked out how to send images using kannel
Mostly thanks to Andreas Fink and is well documented email on UDH's 
@ http://www.mail-archive.com/devel@kannel.3glab.org/msg01080.html

My question: 
    My images (and ringtones) are coming in slightly wrong. (corrupt)
    the image gets shifted down one pixel and the bottom rows gets
chopped off, in it's place
    is a corrupted  line at the top of the image (random pixel row)

    See the images attached for a better -pictures are worth a thousand

    ramon-on-phone.gif is a scan of what i get on my phone....
    ramon.gif is the original image (converted from BMP)

    I am using http://nakentone.naken.cc/download.php rintone and image
tools to
    convert my BMP image to a HEX string.. *thanks Mike for great tools*
    via ::: bmp2nokia_icon -x -l 505 02 ramon.bmp

    It's output then looks like

    # message 1

    # message 2

    # message 3
I cut n paste these into my PHP below and whammo .. i get the image but
wrong. (ringtones sometmes have a note out of place
different to the original I heard as a MIDI file.

If anybody has any ideas .. i'd much appreciate it.
I am assuming the corruption is coming from the converter (slightly
different format perhaps than required ?)
I have tried using different programs to create my BMP and all same
results (I use the same Naken converter as I have
as yet found no other).

------------------ PHP Code that does my work ------------------
<SNIP of some variable declarations regarding kannel
host/port/username/passowrd etc
$sms_array[0] = array( 'udh' => '0B0504158200000003AF0301', 
        'data' =>
$sms_array[1] = array( 'udh' => '0B0504158200000003AF0302', 
        'data' =>
$sms_array[2] = array( 'udh' => '0B0504158200000003AF0303', 
        'data' => 'FFFFFFFF00');

foreach($sms_array as $sms_part)
 print $sms_part['udh'] . " --> " . $sms_part['data'] . "<br>\n";
 preg_match_all("/(..)/", $sms_part['data'], $data_array,
 preg_match_all("/(..)/", $sms_part['udh'],  $udh_array,
 $data_first_set = $data_array[0];
 $udh_first_set  = $udh_array[0];
 $data = '%' . join('%', $data_first_set);
 $udh  = '%' . join('%', $udh_first_set);
 $url = "http://$host:$port/cgi-bin/sendsms?"; .
   "username=" . $username . 
   "&password=" . $password .
   "&to=" . $msisdn . 
   "&udh=" . $udh . 
   "&from=123" .
   "&text=" . $data;



This email was sent to you by Ramon Buckland, Software Engineer at f5.
You can reach Ramon directly on (07) 3257 7900 or 0421 3 79 69 4

Attachment: ramon-on-phone.gif
Description: ramon-on-phone.gif

Attachment: ramon.gif
Description: ramon.gif

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