On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 11:06:50PM +0100, Marc Bleuler wrote:
> Has anybody experiance how to install the libxml2-2.4.2-1.i386.rpm with rpm
> on a RedHat 7.2 box? I tried serval things and it won't work, for example I
> can install it with the -i option (or lets say I don't get any error back)
> and if I try to compile the gateway it commes up with the following.....

You need to also install the libxml2-devel RPM package.

David Holland           =*=   Systems Manager   =*=   tel: +44 01223 478900
http://www.3glab.com/   =*=     3G Lab, UK      =*=   fax: +44 01223 478901

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