Hello All,

I am havign a similar problem in thread area compiling latest cvs (docs
related). I am running Debian unstable - have all the tetex, jade
docbook stuff installed I can think of. Does it look like I have a
package missing or is it a possible version difference?

Here's a hopefully a useful extract from make output ... thoughts
comments appreciated, Cheers.

make output ...

sed "s/#FIGTYPE#/.ps/;s/#VERSION#/`head -1 VERSION`/;s/#DATE#/`date
+%Y.%m.%d`/" doc/arch/arch.xml > doc/arch/arch.tmp
cd `dirname doc/arch/arch.xml` && jade -o `basename doc/arch/arch`.rtf
-t rtf -d
`basename doc/arch/arc
jade:E: cannot find "wap-arch.ps"; tried "wap-arch.ps",
"/usr/local/share/sgml/wap-arch.ps", "/usr/local/lib/sgml/wap-arch.ps",
jade:E: cannot find "wap-session.ps"; tried "wap-session.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/wap-session.ps", "/usr/share/sgml/wap-sessio
jade:E: cannot find "conf-push-session.ps"; tried
"conf-push-session.ps", "/usr/local/share/sgml/conf-push-session.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/conf-push-session.ps", "/u
jade:E: cannot find "external-interfaces.ps"; tried
ps", "/usr/share/sgml/external-interfaces.ps"
jade:E: cannot find "kannel-boxes.ps"; tried "kannel-boxes.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/kannel-boxes.ps", "/usr/share/sgml/kannel
jade:E: cannot find "kannel-push-boxes.ps"; tried
"kannel-push-boxes.ps", "/usr/local/share/sgml/kannel-push-boxes.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/kannel-push-boxes.ps", "/u
jade:E: cannot find "bearerbox-arch.ps"; tried "bearerbox-arch.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/bearerbox-arch.ps", "/usr/share/sgm
jade:E: cannot find "wapbox-threads.ps"; tried "wapbox-threads.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/wapbox-threads.ps", "/usr/share/sgm
jade:E: cannot find "pushbox-threads.ps"; tried "pushbox-threads.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/pushbox-threads.ps", "/usr/share
rm -f doc/arch/arch.tmp
sed "s/#FIGTYPE#/.ps/;s/#VERSION#/`head -1 VERSION`/;s/#DATE#/`date
+%Y.%m.%d`/" doc/userguide/userguide.xml > doc/userguide/userguide.tmp
cd `dirname doc/userguide/userguide.xml` && jade -o `basename
doc/userguide/userguide`.rtf -t rtf -d
/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/print/docbook.dsl `b
asename doc/userguide/userguide`.tmp
jade:E: cannot find "wap-gateway.ps"; tried "wap-gateway.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/wap-gateway.ps", "/usr/share/sgml/wap-gatewa
jade:E: cannot find "sms-gateway.ps"; tried "sms-gateway.ps",
"/usr/local/lib/sgml/sms-gateway.ps", "/usr/share/sgml/sms-gatewa
rm -f doc/userguide/userguide.tmp
sed "s/#FIGTYPE#/.ps/;s/#VERSION#/`head -1 VERSION`/;s/#DATE#/`date
+%Y.%m.%d`/" doc/wtls/wtls.xml > doc/wtls/wtls.tmp
cd `dirname doc/wtls/wtls.xml` && jade -o `basename doc/wtls/wtls`.rtf
-t rtf -d
`basename doc/wtls/wtl
rm -f doc/wtls/wtls.tmp
sed "s/#FIGTYPE#/.ps/;s/#VERSION#/`head -1 VERSION`/;s/#DATE#/`date
+%Y.%m.%d`/" doc/alligata/alligata.xml > doc/alligata/alligata.tmp
jade -o doc/alligata/alligata.tex -t tex -d
echo Check `dirname doc/alligata/alligata.xml`/`basename
doc/alligata/alligata`.log for errors
Check doc/alligata/alligata.log for errors
cd `dirname doc/alligata/alligata.xml` && : `basename
doc/alligata/alligata`.tex >/dev/null || true
cd `dirname doc/alligata/alligata.xml` && : `basename
doc/alligata/alligata`.tex >/dev/null || true
cd `dirname doc/alligata/alligata.xml` && : `basename
doc/alligata/alligata`.tex >/dev/null
cd `dirname doc/alligata/alligata.xml` && dvips -q -o `basename
doc/alligata/alligata`.ps `basename doc/alligata/alligata`.dvi
dvips: ! DVI file can't be opened.
make: *** [doc/alligata/alligata.ps] Error 1

On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 07:29, David Holland wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 07:32:31PM +0200, Avner Sternheim wrote:
> > cd `dirname doc/alligata/alligata.xml` && : `basename
> > doc/alligata/alligata`.tex >/dev/null || true
> Those lines look as though you don't have jadetex installed.
> > /bin/sh: dvips: command not found
> And that means you don't have dvips installed. Assuming this is Red Hat
> or similar, installing the tetex-dvips package should help.
> Dave
> -- 
> David Holland           =*=   Systems Manager   =*=   tel: +44 01223 478900
> http://www.3glab.com/   =*=     3G Lab, UK      =*=   fax: +44 01223 478901

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