----- Original Message -----
From: "Averroes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: Newbie Quest

> Hi All,
> I am new in Kannel and for this first time
> I would like to know if they need special hardware

It depends what you want to setup, WAP Gateway or SMS Gateway or both.

> requirement for settting up SMS services?
> What is exactly a SMS Center?

SMSC is a server which handles short message(SM) generated by subscribers.
It takes SM from source and forwards it destination. Thus it store and
forward SM. It has many other functionalities.

> Does SMS Center need a subscription or not?

Yes, you need ESME (External Short Message Entity) connection from service

> As I want to experiment WTLS connection
> between a mobile and secure Wireless gateway,
> are they tools to create WTLS certificates?

No idea

> Links for these tools will be kind!
> Regards
> #------
> Averroes

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