On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 18:56, Malcolm White wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to compile the Kannel gateway 1.1.6 source on an i386 running
> SuSE 7.3. (I have it working as a binary with Debian.)
> I've downloaded the xml files from www.xmlsoft.org so have gotten past that
> particular hurdle, but the make depend now displays the message "No include
> path in which to find xmlmemory.h" and similar messages for tree.h,
> debugXML.h and encoding.h.
> The files required are in directory /usr/includes/libxml2/libxml, but I've
> been unable to find out how to add or modify such a path.

I had that bug too in debian but then I've updated the libxml2-dev
package and everything went out ok.

Please checkout xml2-config and see the return

davi:~# xml2-config --cflags
-I/usr/include/libxml2/libxml -I/usr/include/libxml2

My older package only returned /usr/include/libxml2

> I'm also getting the following, but being new to compiling, I'm not sure yet
> if this is good or bad!
> linux:/usr/src/gateway-1.1.6 # make depend
> for dir in gw gwlib test utils wmlscript checks wap; do \
>         gcc -D_REENTRANT=1 -I. -g -O2 -DBROKEN_PTHREADS=1
> -I/usr/include/libxml2  -MM $dir/*.c | sed "s:^[^ ]:$dir/&:"; done > .depend
> Is anyone able to offer any suggestions about how to resolve the path issue
> and any other pearls of wisdom that might be of help?
> Thanks,
> Malcolm

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