We've got a similar problem to Dermot Reynolds.
It seems to happen like this:

Sometimes, for reasons unknown, (i.e. the log doesn't say),
our kannel system (cvs Mar 14 on Linux) shuts down and restarts.

This is not great behavior (the log should record why!), but it
gets worse:  When kannel restarts, it finds that some bearerbox
processes are still running!  So 
System error 98:  Address already in use.

And the whole system is unusable until someone
manually clears all the processes and restarts kannel.

The same thing happens when I use the start-stop-daemon
to stop Kannel:  the system is halted, but some bearerboxes remain
and need to be killed manually.

As you can imagine, this makes changing the config file a bit of a hassle

Has anyone else seen this?  Is it a known bug?  Has it been fixed in
the last month?

Steve Rapaport

Dermot Reynolds writes:
I have multiple connections comprising of modems and smscs, if there is a
problem with my configuration i.e. one of the modems does not respond
correctly then the bearerbox does not shut down via a http connection with
the shutdown command.

To do the shutdown I have to do a killall -9 bearerbox]]

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