
Sorry to send it the 2nd time, since the 1st one was held for approval
as a non-member message.

I'm a new user of Kannel gateway. I compiled and installed WAP gateway
on Solaris 2.8 box, with libxml2 installed as well.

The gateway works when I send a request for wmlc document from a Nokia
WAP toolkit 2.0 browser.  But seems to have problem to accept requests
for wml document. 

Here is the WSP stack dump for "accept field":
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: WSP: decoded headers:
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Charset: utf-8
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Charset: iso-10646-ucs-2
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: application/vnd.wap.wmlc
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: text/x-vCard
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: text/x-vCard
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: text/x-vcal
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: text/x-vCalendar
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: text/x-vCalendar
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: image/vnd.wap.wbmp
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: application/vnd.wap.wbxml
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: image/gif
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: Accept: image/jpeg
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: User-Agent: Nokia-WAP-Toolkit/2.0
2002-06-03 20:32:12 [1] DEBUG: WSP: End of decoded headers.
On other side, Openwave gateway has a much wider set of acceptance:
Cookie=AWHS_SID=0C8A1044; JSESSIONID=To1010mC5827819644965162At
Accept-Charset=US-ASCII, UTF-8, *
Accept=application/x-hdmlc, application/x-up-alert,
application/x-up-cacheop, application/x-up-device,
application/x-up-digestentry, application/vnd.wap.wml, text/x-wap.wml,
text/vnd.wap.wml, application/vnd.wap.wmlscript, text/vnd.wap.wmlscript,
application/vnd.uplanet.channel, application/vnd.uplanet.list,
text/x-hdml, text/plain, image/vnd.wap.wbmp, image/bmp,
application/remote-printing text/x-hdml;version=3.1,
text/x-hdml;version=3.0, text/x-hdml;version=2.0, image/bmp,text/html
User-Agent=OWG1 UP/4.1.20a UP.Browser/4.1.20a-XXXX

>From Kannel site, as well as from common sense, I know wml document is
supported by Kannel gateway, particularly Kannel has a wml compiler
build in. But I could not find any documentation about how to
config/compile/install so that wml will be accepted/compiled.

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot


from Lightbridge, Inc

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