        I'm using kannel 1.1.6, just installed it. I took the chance to read again the 
manual and tried to configure it to write some logs.
It seems like it's not writing anything, though.

This is a snippet of my configuration file:

        group = core
        log-file = "/var/log/kannel.log"
        log-level = 5

        group = wapbox
        log-file = "/var/log/wapbox.log"
        log-level = 5

There's more, of course and the wapgateway works just fine, I can browse and all. 
Even the status page is ok.
NOW, I started everything from command line with these two commands:

        ./bearerbox-1.1.6 kannel.conf &
        ./wapbox-1.1.6 kannel.conf &

I can see the logs in the stadard output, in my shell.
The logs files exist, but:
-rw-------    1 root            0 Jun 13 11:25 kannel.log
-rw-------    1 root            0 Jun 13 11:25 wapbox.log

They are 0 bytes.

Any idea? What's wrong?

Thank you,

Andrea Trasatti
via San Gregorio, 3 - 20124 Milan - Italy
Tel. +39 02 2779181
Fax +39 02 27791828
Cell. +39 335 7866749

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