> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 12:28 PM
> Subject: Should Python server be running for sendsms of Kannel
> Greetings everybody,
> Thanks for the response. The prepended "http://"; suggests that
> a HTTP server like Apache should be running to listen to the http://
> request. But when Apache encounters the word "sendsms" at the 
> end of the
> line then will it not get confused as to how to execute the 
> sendsms file?

<jabbering snipped>

> This is what I am asking.When I say 
> http://<apache-server-name>/cgi-bin/sendsms?..
> then the request goes to Apache. Now apart from basic HTML 
> content Apache will
> not handle any other content. So when it sees that sendsms is 
> written in Python
> will Apache not require a Python engine to be loaded to 
> handle sendsms?

You got it all wrong. please read the user guide, and if you like - the architecture 
guide, as it will explain things much more clearly. let me try to clear things up a 
little bit :

Kannel does not require apache to be run, nor does it use apache in itself, nor does 
it use Python. Kannel is a set of daemon (unix services) are running in the background 
and can accept commands using an HTTP interface - it can be said that Kannel in itself 
_is_ a web server.

You need to run the bearerbox daemon and instruct it (using the configuration file) to 
listen for incoming connections from the smsbox on a specific port. you then run 
smsbox and instruct it (using the same configuration file) to listen for incoming 
requests on another port, while connecting the bearerbox using the previously 
configured port.

Now the smsbox will expose the "sendsms" interface and will wait for you to connect to 
it and deliver MT messages. for example, let's say that you configured smsbox's 
sendsms interface to listen on port 14000. now to send you would invoke an HTTP client 
to connect to that port and deliver an HTTP GET request. for example, using the 
perl-libwww GET client installed on any Linux system, using the default configuration 
file, and MT might look like this:


The Python sendsms script is just a script that can receive human readable input using 
the command line and in turn genrates and HTTP GET request to the smsbox's sendsms 

That script, that confuses you so much, is not part of Kannel, it is not a cgi-bin 
script and you can safely delete it as it's just an example of how to call Kannel 
using HTTP from Python.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9581711 (116)

Q: "Oh, very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?"
    -- Q / "Deja Q" , ST:TNG

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