> -----Original Message-----
> Hi,


I'm afraid I only know some of the answers to your questions below (and may
well be corrected on some of the answers):

> I am trying to use Kannel 1.2.0 as SMS Gateway. I am using a GSM Phone as
> virtual SMSC. The model of GSM Phones used are:
> Ericsson T39m, Ericsson SH888, Ericsson T68, Nokia 9210, Nokia 7650.
> I connect this phone to the port COM1 on the machine where is installed
> Kannel software (file device=/dev/ttyS0), but i had problems.
> I haven't mounted the device=/dev/ttyS0. I don't know if i need a driver
> for this kind of modem or if it is supportd automatically by Kannel.

'no' to needing a driver - kannel will have different init strings, etc for
different phones but AFAIK many ericsson phones work.  i'm fairly sure that
your 7650 should be supported but make sure that you have a DLR cable and
not a DAU cable.

> I have read from your email that the general requirement for a phone to
> be capable of being used as a GSM modem is that it has a cable allowing
> it to be plugged into an RS232 port; and that it responds to the
> AT+ command
> set.
> The "RS232 port" is a COM1 port (in unix it corresponds to the
> device /dev/ttyS0)
> ???

indeed - you should be able to use minicom to talk to the phone on

> How can i set the line-speed to 9600, 8-none-1 and what is a TTY emulator
> ???

see ref to minicom below

> Should i set these configurations into the group "smsc" and "modems", like
> this:

yes - but where did you get the init string from in modems.conf?  thats the
usual place where you may need to research.  i'm fortunate, my 7110 worked
with the nokiaphone default modem-type (as i expect would your 7650) and
minicom: 8-N-1, 19200.

> Where can i learn more about AT+ commands and how can i test some of these
> commands with my phone ??? (My OS is "Linux Red Hat 7.2")

use minicom - if minicom doesnt get a response from the phone then you can
be fairly sure that kannel wont either.

hope i've been of some help,


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