I've managed to actually successfully compile kannel on 10.1.5. (After installing the Fink packager from sourceforge.net) (uhm, at least I think it's compiling correctly, I may be wrong)
Namely, without the Fink packager I couldn't get libxml2 to install properly on OS X 1.5.1 (I even tried out installing a binary and also compiling from source). Anyway, now I'm able to compile kannel without the libxml error. ONE down, millions more to go!
I'm following your lead and advice, though and have ordered an upgrade to version 1.2.x from Apple's web site.
However, until I receive the upgrade discs, I need some pointers to help solving some configuration problems.
After typing ./configure ... as stated in the doc, I typed the first time around only "make install" and the program ran for a while and then finished, after the typical verbose dialogs going on for quite long. It then left me with some "minor" changes to the system (namely in the /usr/local/sbin) including: wapbox | smsbox | bearerbox | run_kannel_box | start-stop-daemon
Newbie Q1) Is this the way it should be?
After going through the documentation (I wonder why do I always install first and THEN read the doc ;0) I noticed it stated the use of "make bindir=/path/to/directory install". I just typed make install.
Newbie Q2) Is this an important step or can I just dismiss it and go ahead with what I have installed?
ANYWAY, after copying the kannel.conf file from the gateway-1.2.0 install folder to my PATH, using it as a starting point I'm trying to "fill in the blank" or uncomment all the relevant information to get the tools up and running.
THIS is where I'm at, at the moment, basically without a clue what to do next to get either the WAPBOX or the SMSBOX up and running on my system.
For us newbies, I think the doc and FAQ available on kannel's web site is fairly vague on lots of things. Perhaps, there's a need for another mailing list aimed at newbies only, so not to disturb you advanced geezers!
For instance, I understand one need to setup an SMSC before sending out messages. Where do I start and how do I install modems? As you've noticed, I haven't got a clue and I'm sure loads of people out there are in the same boat. I've used both NOKIA, ERICSSON, and Phone.com's developer gateways in the past so you have to understand that I'm quite in a "walled garden" when it comes to this. But I'm willing to learn. And I can pick things up quickly, I promise!
I'm sorry about the long post.
Please help with some pointers wherever you can.
Johan Lopes
(please replace _dot_ with . and _at_ with @ to email)

17 christchurch house
christchurch road
london sw2 3ua uk

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