Hello Oded, Wednesday, October 23, 2002, 2:42:01 PM, you wrote:
OA> Kannel doesn't do that internally - you need to write an application wrapper that stores outgoing messages before sending them and incoming messages before handling them Thanks Oded, I understand, what about the keys for grab the sms for incoming and sending? do kannel ahve unique initial key for eliminate this case I just can see the access.log like this 2002-10-23 15:09:18 send-SMS request added - sender:afif:13013 target:628121789615 request: 'afif kamu cakep deh ini nyoba serverku bisa di terima nggak? habis di terima pls reply balik ya...?' its come from access.log 2002-10-23 15:09:18 send-SMS request added - sender:afif:13013 can I use this for unique keys to read? so I can insert into mysql table? what about the incoming? need yr guidance to solve this case pls..... thanks a lot for yr support -- Best regards, Afif mailto:afif@;sur.ogs-id.com