I seem to have a problem with SMPP connections, maybe someone more 
knowledgeable can help me out:

We have an SMPP connection to Vodafone Greece, which is working fine 
most of the time.
At times, however, I imagine due to intermittent network problems, the 
connection would get dropped.
I have tried setting the ``enquire-link-interval'' option in the conf, 
but obviously, it won't help if the network is down (or the problem is 
not SMPP related anyway).

My next resort was a cron job, that would check the number of 
outstanding messages to Vodafone devices and shut-down and restart the 
SMSC connection accordingly, informing me of the outcome.

This is working quite well, in that the SMSC connection gets re-
established and messages get routed correctly.

However, it seems that kannel will not process any messages still left 
in its spool file, so although new messages get routed OK, old messages 
waiting to be sent do not.
Is there a way to force kannel to check its spool file and either send 
or remove any messages still left there ?
Because as it is, the cron job doesn't do any good to those poor fellas 
that must be sent messages, but fell pray to connection problems.

Thanos Chatziathanassiou


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