
I tried 

lynx -dump "http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?

and I receive nothing

I also put in my config file :

group = sendsms-user
username = foo
password = xxx
dlr-url = "http:www.yyy.zzz/..."

or I put dlrurl with cgi variables, but the result is the same : nothing !

I use kannel 1.3.0, with nokia 7110

Is there any problem with my command and/or config ?

Its the same when I put dlrmask=1 


> >- is it possible to know if an MT sms has reached its destination ?
> Yes. see dlrurl and dlrmask on sendsms.
> >and did somebody already use wavecom fastrack gsm modem (M1203A-GSM), if
> yes is it a good one ?
> Yes, it is a good one.
> Andrea

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