I´m configuring the wap gateway in a Linux RedHat 7.3 machine. It compiled ok. But when i start the bearer i get the following message,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sbin]# ./bearerbox -v 1 /usr/local/gateway/wapkannel.conf
2003-07-30 18:09:22 [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = 1, log_file = <none>, log_lvl = 0
2003-07-30 18:09:22 [0] WARNING: DLR: using default 'internal' for storage type.
2003-07-30 18:09:22 [0] INFO: Added logfile `/tmp/bearerbox.log' with level `1'.
2003-07-30 18:09:22 [0] INFO: Started access logfile `kannel.access'.
2003-07-30 18:09:22 [0] INFO: ----------------------------------------
2003-07-30 18:09:22 [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version 1.2.1 starting
2003-07-30 18:09:22 [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
I believe is working, because i go to the web interface and i see the up message.
but the the problem is that i run the wap box and it doesn´connect to the bearer box.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sbin]# ./wapbox -v 1 /usr/local/gateway/wapkannel.conf
2003-07-30 17:52:31 [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = 1, log_file = <none>, log_lvl = 0
2003-07-30 17:52:31 [0] INFO: Added logfile `/tmp/wapbox.log' with level `0'.
2003-07-30 17:52:31 [0] INFO: Starting to log to file /tmp/wapbox.log level 0
2003-07-30 17:52:31 [0] INFO: Logging accesses to '/tmp/wapaccess.log'.
2003-07-30 17:52:31 [0] INFO: Started access logfile `/tmp/wapaccess.log'.
2003-07-30 17:52:31 [0] INFO: map-url DEVICE:home* http://xxx.xxx.xxx.com*
2003-07-30 17:52:31 [0] INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------
2003-07-30 17:52:31 [0] INFO: Kannel wapbox version 1.2.1 starting up.
it stops here------------------------------------------------------------
If i go to the webpage to check status, it says that the bearer is UP but not boxes connected.
Kannel bearerbox version `1.2.1'.
System Linux, release 2.4.18-4smp, version #1 SMP Thu May 2 18:32:34 EDT 2002, machine i686.
Hostname cerebro.avantel.com.co, IP
Libxml version 20419.
Using OpenSSL 0.9.6b [engine] 9 Jul 2001.
Using native malloc.

Status: running, uptime 0d 0h 1m 53s

WDP: received 0 (0 queued), sent 0 (0 queued)

SMS: received 0 (0 queued), sent 0 (0 queued), store size 0
SMS: inbound 0.00 msg/sec, outbound 0.00 msg/sec

DLR: 0 queued, using internal storage

No boxes connected

No SMSC connections

then i hit the ctrl-c and i get this:
2003-07-30 17:54:24 [0] ERROR: SIGINT received, let's die.
2003-07-30 17:54:24 [0] ERROR: connect failed
2003-07-30 17:54:24 [0] ERROR: System error 4: Interrupted system call
2003-07-30 17:54:24 [0] ERROR: error connecting to server `cerebro.avantel.com.co' at port `1300
2003-07-30 17:54:24 [0] PANIC: Couldn't connect to the bearerbox.
What do i have to configure to let the wapbox connect to the bearer?
when do i know that is working properly?
what is the best way to start the boxes as a daemon in backgroud in the init.d?
If you can help me i apreciate it.

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