i have configured my kannel gateway to send sms. when i m sending sms 
via http i m recieving it in bearerbox. This shows that my gateway is 
running pefectly. When i try to send sms to a mobile device it also goes
 to the bearerbox.
What do i have to configure to send sms to mobile phone. or do i need to
 contact with smsc to send sms. If i have to take services from smsc the
 where is the use of gateway.
>From Mobile to Mobile communication
Mobile--->SMSC1--->SMS Gateway--->SMSC2---Mobile
According to me:
HTTP--->Kannel Gateway (Bearerbox and Smsbox)--->SMSC2--->Mobile phone
If kannel gateway is going to pass sms to smsc2 then still i have to 
contract with the 2nd SMSC???

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